Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Moonlit Ride

This is a painting I completed in the beginning of the month. October always inspires me to create witches, pumpkins, and black cats, every time I decide to pick up my paintbrush, or charcoals. It took me about three days to complete this watercolor. I'm hoping I can squeeze in a couple more black cat and witch paintings or drawings, before Halloween arrives.


Oswegan said...

Nicely done - way to get into the spirit of the seasons Lydia!


Lydia said...

Hi Oswegan, Thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

That is a very sexy witch, Lydia, and the cat looks alert, too.

sue said...

That is a watercolor? Wow... amazing. That's a great picture. I like the black cats. They are so pretty...

Lydia said...

Hello Olivia, I tried to make my watercolor witch look totally different from the charcoal witch. My hubby likes this witch better than my other one. Hummmmmm! I wonder why?

Lydia said...

Hi Sue, Thanks so much. I love black cats too, My hubby use to have one when I first met him. My father also had one.

Anonymous said...

I also had a black cat. But when it died in an accident I decided not to have cats any more.

By the way, Lydia, do you know how to meet a Halloween witch?

First light a Jack O'Lantern. Then walk to a crossroads and wait until midnight. When the owl shrieks, you will meet a Halloween witch.
(But I doubt that she will be as sexy as the one on your watercolor).

Lydia said...

Hi Olivia, Sorry to hear about your cat. It's hard to replace an animal once they pass, cause you just get so attached. They become like part of the family. No, I don't know how to meet a halloween witch. I love the little saying you shared in your comment on how to do so. It's so cute. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Lydia, I was very sad when I lost my cat. I loved it very much and felt shattered after it was dead. That is why I did not want to have another one any more.

Jan said...

Very interesting watercolor, Lydia..you are certainly talented.

Are your children exhibiting signs of creativity, too?

Lydia said...

Hi Olivia, There come a day where you do decide to get a feline friend again. If not. that's o.k. too.

Lydia said...

Hi Jan, Thank you. My children are both showing their signs of talent in different ways. My daughter is an wonderful artist and loves to draw. My son seems to love to play instruments and sing even though he's only 3 years old.

Anonymous said...

You have very talented children, Lydia. I hope they will grow into famous artists later in life.
But if not, if they choose to work in other professions, then at least they will have beautiful hobbies to enjoy in their free time, painting and singing.

linda said...

Lydia, that is the sexiest witch I have ever seen. I love the top of her stockings and the sleeves on her dress. How gorgeous it is. Lovely. I hope you hang it up for everyone to see.

Lydia said...

Hello Linda, I have hung it up for Halloween. Thanks for the complement!