Thursday, June 14, 2007


Ladybug -Photoshoped edition.
Originally uploaded by
Slugs are already eating the leaves of my pole beans. Last year I used an organic product called "escargo" to rid of them. This year I had to buy something similar, because I couldn't find "escargo" anywhere. Another method I use to controlls slugs along with the pellets is beer. This organic alternative is quite simple; I place stale beer in some shallow dishes and bury them at ground level in between the plants that are being attacked. Slugs cannot resist beer, so they drink themselves to death.
Ladybugs are very beneficial for anyone who gardens organically. These cute little insects prey on the pests responsible for the distruction of many vegetable plants in one's garden. Next time you see a ladybug perched on your tomato leaf, it's searching for prey, not damaging the plant.

1 comment:

Olivia Kroth said...

I adore ladybugs and have lots of them in my garden.
